An article examined the party political basis of attitudes towards gay marriage. Most sections of the public showed increased support for such a measure, with consistent findings over time on the basis of sex, age group, education, and religious affiliation. The effects for partisanship were only significant in the last year considered (2012), which might reflect the growing public prominence and party politicization of the issue.
Source: Ben Clements, 'Partisan attachments and attitudes towards same-sex marriage in Britain', Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 67 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Dec
A report examined national regulation of discrimination outside the field of employment on the grounds of religion and belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation, in the 28 European Union member states and the accession candidate countries (FYR of Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey) and the EEA countries (Liechtenstein and Norway). It said that there was much existing regulation of discrimination beyond the scope of Council Directive 2000/78/EC, but measures differed between the countries in both scope and methodology.
Source: Aileen McColgan, National protection beyond the two EU Anti-discrimination Directives: The grounds of religion and belief, disability, age and sexual orientation beyond employment, European Commission
Links: Report
Date: 2013-Dec
A report for a trade union examined the impact of central government funding cuts ('austerity cuts') on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and the services that they used. The report said that it was sometimes difficult to attribute issues directly to austerity measures and to isolate the effects of austerity cuts from ever-present phobias and discriminations. The report said that LGBT people had experienced: financial hardships (redundancies, real term pay cuts, changes to benefit rules); difficulty in finding safe, LGBT-friendly accommodation; reductions in sexual health and mental health services that met their specific needs; and cuts in support services. It noted a need for public funding to secure services that might not be funded elsewhere, and made recommendations for trade union support.
Source: Martin Mitchell, Kelsey Beninger, Nilufer Rahim, and Sue Arthur, Implications of Austerity for LGBT People and Services, National Centre for Social Research
Links: Report | Summary | UNISON press release
Date: 2013-Dec
An article examined a knowledge exchange project to improve services for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans adults. It discussed the generation and measurement of impact, critical issues that arose during the project, and the impact of economic austerity.
Source: Andrew King, 'Prepare for impact? Reflecting on knowledge exchange work to improve services for older LGBT people in times of austerity', Social Policy and Society, Online first
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Nov
A new book examined the impact of equalities legislation on the lives and activism of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people in Brighton, a town on the south coast of England.
Source: Kath Browne and Leela Bakshi, Ordinary in Brighton?: LGBT, activisms and the city, Ashgate Publications
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Nov
A report examined human sexuality and made recommendations for the Church of England. The report did not form a new policy statement from the Church, but provided a background for a series of future facilitated conversations on the issues.
Source: The House of Bishops, Working Group on Human Sexuality, Church House Publishing
Links: Report | Church of England press release
Date: 2013-Nov
The European Court of Justice ruled that homosexual applicants for asylum could constitute a particular social group who might be persecuted on account of their sexual orientation.
Source: X, Y, Z v Minister voor Immigratie en Asiel, European Court of Justice
Links: Judgement
Date: 2013-Nov
Campaigners published a report examining homophobic hate crime and incidents. One in six lesbian, gay, and bisexual people had experienced a hate crime or incident in the previous three years. The report noted that fewer than one-quarter of victims reported the incident to the police and two thirds did not report it to anyone. A guidance document was also published for issue to all police forces.
Source: April Guasp, Anne Gammon, and Gavin Ellison, Homophobic Hate Crime: The Gay British Crime Survey 2013, Stonewall
Links: Report | Guide | Stonewall press release | Guardian report
Date: 2013-Oct
An article examined the management of hate crime in the South West of England, looking at the implementation of hate crime policy across agencies. The research found some good practice and effective multi-agency working, alongside evidence of policy drift both between and within agencies.
Source: Zoe James and Lesley Simmonds, 'Exploring prejudice: managing hate crime in the South West of England', Crime Prevention & Community Safety, Volume 15 Issue 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Oct
A report summarized the key findings from research into hate crime in Wales. It said that hate crime was still a daily reality for many people, devastating individual lives and creating fear and distrust within communities. The prevention of hate crime was a long-term goal that would only be achieved if organizations worked together in partnership to meet this challenge.
Source: Matthew Williams and Jasmin Tregidga, All Wales Hate Crime Research Project, Race Equality First
Links: Report | Welsh Government press release | Cardiff University press release | BBC report
Date: 2013-Sep
A report said that the European Union and its member states were guilty of failing to tackle homophobic and transphobic hate crime. It highlighted gaps in the legislation of many countries where sexual orientation and gender identity were not explicitly included as grounds on which hate crimes could be prosecuted, along with the inadequacy of EU standards on hate crime for tackling homophobic and transphobic violence.
Source: Because of Who I Am: Homophobia, transphobia and hate crimes in Europe, Amnesty International UK
Links: Report | Amnesty press release | Womensgrid report
Date: 2013-Sep
A think-tank report examined the debate over same-sex marriage, and considered the implications for the meaning of marriage in general.
Source: Anastasia de Waal (ed.), The Meaning of Matrimony: Debating same-sex marriage, Civitas
Date: 2013-Aug
A new book examined the meaning of 'recognition' in relation to the Gender Recognition Act 2004. It considered the case for changing the law and policy around gender diversity within the context of broader social, cultural, legal, political, theoretical, and policy shifts concerning gender and sexuality.
Source: Sally Hines, Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship: Towards a politics of difference, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Notes: The Gender Recognition Act 2004 gave transsexual people legal recognition as members of the sex appropriate to their gender (male or female).
Date: 2013-Aug
A survey found that most gay people still feared that they would be discriminated against if they stood for political office, sought to foster a child, or applied to become a magistrate. They also expected that their child would be bullied in primary school if it were known that they had gay parents.
Source: Gay in Britain: Lesbian, gay and bisexual people s experiences and expectations of discrimination, Stonewall
Links: Report | Stonewall press release | Guardian report | PinkNews report
Date: 2013-Aug
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 was given Royal assent. The Act enabled same-sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies; ensured that those religious organizations that wished to do so could opt in to conduct marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples; and protected those religious organizations that did not wish to marry same-sex couples from successful legal challenge.
Source: Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, Government Equalities Office, TSO
Links: Act | Explanatory notes | HOC research brief | DCMS press release | BHA press release | Catholic Church press release | Christian Institute press release | OnePlusOne press release | Stonewall press release
Date: 2013-Jul
An article examined transformations in institutional norms about same-sex sexualities across four European countries: Bulgaria, Norway, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. There had been a radical shift in the 'landscape of heteronormativity', with the emergence of a new norm of 'homotolerance' and the progressive normalization of same-sex sexualities: a process of 'homonormalization'.
Source: Sasha Roseneil, Isabel Crowhurst, Tone Hellesund, Ana Cristina Santos, and Mariya Stoilova, 'Changing landscapes of heteronormativity: the regulation and normalization of same-sex sexualities in Europe', Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, Volume 20 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jul
An official advisory body began consultation on whether there was a case for reforming the law so that existing hate crime offences in respect of race and religion should be extended to cover sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.
Source: Hate Crime: The Case for Extending the Existing Offences, LC213, Law Commission
Links: Consultation document | Summary
Date: 2013-Jun
A new book examined the relationship between changing gender identities and processes of family formation in western countries, including: asexual couples; child-free women and men; 'living apart together' couples; lone mothers and fathers; and homosexual and transsexual parents. It discussed the political implications of these emerging dimensions of family life.
Source: Elisabetta Ruspini, Diversity in Family Life: Gender, relationships and social change, Policy Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Jun
A report said that popular acceptance of homosexuality had increased throughout the whole of Europe since the start of the 1980s. In 1981, roughly half the European population disapproved of homosexuality, but this had fallen to one-third by 2008. In the early 1990s, 40 per cent of Europeans did not want gay neighbours: by 2008 this had fallen to 25 per cent.
Source: Lisette Kuyper, Jurjen Iedema, and Saskia Keuzenkamp, Towards Tolerance: Exploring changes and explaining differences in attitudes towards homosexuality in Europe, Netherlands Institute for Social Research
Links: Report | NISR press release
Date: 2013-May
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill was given a third reading. The Bill was designed to enable same-sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies; ensure that those religious organizations that wished to do so could opt in to conduct marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples; and protect those religious organizations that did not wish to marry same-sex couples from successful legal challenge.
Source: Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, Government Equalities Office, TSO | Debate 21 May 2013, columns 1071-1173, House of Commons Hansard, TSO
Links: Bill | Explanatory notes | Hansard | HOL research brief | Stonewall press release | BBC report | Guardian report | PinkNews report
Date: 2013-May
A survey examined how lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (LGBT) people in the European Union experienced discrimination, harassment, and violence in different areas of life. Almost half (47 per cent) of all respondents said that they had felt personally discriminated against or harassed on the grounds of sexual orientation in the year preceding the survey. A majority of respondents who had been attacked said that the attack or threat of violence happened partly or entirely because they were perceived to be LGBT (59 per cent). Respondents rarely, however, reported discrimination or violence to the authorities, mainly because they believed that nothing would happen or change if they did.
Source: European Union Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Survey, European Agency for Fundamental Rights
Links: Report | FRA press release
Date: 2013-May
An article examined the exclusion of age and gender from hate crime policy.
Source: Hannah Mason-Bish, 'Examining the boundaries of hate crime policy: considering age and gender', Criminal Justice Policy Review, Volume 24 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Apr
A study found that children adopted by gay or lesbian couples were just as likely to thrive as those adopted by heterosexual couples. Fears raised by some people over same sex-adoption, including bullying from peers and concerns that a children's own gender identity might be skewed, were unfounded.
Source: Nicola Hill, Proud Parents: Lesbian and gay fostering and adoption experiences, BAAF Adoption and Fostering
Links: Summary | Adoption UK press release | Cambridge University press release
Date: 2013-Mar
A new book examined the generational and biographical factors that influenced same-sex relationships, and the implications for understanding changing heterosexual relationships and marriages. Same-sex marriages in everyday life needed to be understood in terms of interlinked developments in lesbian and gay worlds, heterosexual relationships, and personal life.
Source: Brian Heaphy, Carol Smart, and Anna Einarsdottir, Same Sex Marriages: New generations, new relationships, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Mar
A think-tank paper criticized the the coalition government's proposals on same-sex marriage for compromising the meaning of both traditional heterosexual marriage and homosexual partnership. There was a risk that one definition of marriage would supplant and effectively erode another. Traditional conjugal marriage was under threat from a weaker conception of marriage that promoted partnerships that did not extend beyond the self-interest of the couple.
Source: Roger Scruton and Phillip Blond, Marriage: Union for the future or contract for the present, ResPublica
Links: Paper | ResPublica press release | Ekklesia report
Date: 2013-Feb
A new book examined the generational and biographical factors that influenced same-sex relationships, and discussed the implications for the understanding of changing heterosexual relationships and marriages.
Source: Brian Heaphy, Carol Smart, and Anna Einarsdottir, Same Sex Marriages: New generations, new relationships, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Feb
An article examined how the implementation of sexualities equalities policies was related to processes of privatization and individualization, drawing on a case study of sexualities equalities work in local government.
Source: Diane Richardson and Surya Monro, 'Public duty and private prejudice: sexualities equalities and local government', Sociological Review, Volume 61 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Feb
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill was given a second reading. The Bill was designed to enable same-sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies; ensure that those religious organizations that wished to do so could opt in to conduct marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples; and protect those religious organizations that did not wish to marry same-sex couples from successful legal challenge.
Source: Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, Government Equalities Office, TSO | Debate 5 February 2013, columns 125-235, House of Commons Hansard, TSO
Links: Bill | Explanatory notes | Hansard | HOC research brief | EHRC briefing | Labour Party press release | Stonewall press release | BBC report | Christian Institute report | Ekklesia report | Guardian report (1) | Guardian report (2) | New Statesman report | PinkNews report | Telegraph report
Date: 2013-Feb
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill was published. The Bill was designed to enable same-sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies; ensure that those religious organizations that wished to do so could opt in to conduct marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples; and protect those religious organizations that did not wish to marry same-sex couples from successful legal challenge.
Source: Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, Government Equalities Office, TSO
Links: Bill | Explanatory notes | GEO press release | BHA press release | Catholic Church press release | Church in Wales press release | CofE press release | Labour Party press release | LGF press release | Liberal Democrats press release | BBC report | Christian Institute report | Guardian report
Date: 2013-Jan
A study examined how the choice of housing and support for older lesbian, gay, and bisexual people was perceived, and how it could support these people to have a better life.
Source: Sarah Carr and Paul Ross, Assessing Current and Future Housing and Support Options for Older LGB People, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Date: 2013-Jan
An article examined the wave of same-sex union laws in Europe. Whereas no European country had provided explicit recognition to gay and lesbian couples in the mid-1980s, 16 of them had legalized these unions by 2009. Countries with a higher level of 'value secularization' and stronger links to the global cultural order were more likely to introduce legal protections for same-sex unions.
Source: Juan Fernandez and Mark Lutter, 'Supranational cultural norms, domestic value orientations and the diffusion of same-sex union rights in Europe, 1988–2009', International Sociology, Volume 28 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jan